
Academic Caldendar

Here you find the offered modules in the different semesters and time slots.

© Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn
Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© MSc Neurosciences


The MSc Neurosciences program aims towards an integrated understanding of modern neurosciences over the full spectrum of current research ranging from molecules and physiology to morphology.

Strong emphasis is given to practical research experience in the laboratories of the participating departments and research groups. Mandatory courses on neuromorphology, neurophysiology, and molecular neurobiology, as well as statistics, scientific writing, and research ethics, will lay the foundation in the first and second semesters.

At the same time, students will have the opportunity to focus their interests on any of these fields or select from among a wide spectrum of courses addressing topics such as neuroethology, neurogenetics, clinical neurosciences, cognitive neurosciences, reconstructive neurobiology, etc.


mandatory modules




lab rorations

During the first semester, three compulsory modules in neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and molecular neurobiology provide the basics of neurosciences. In the second semester, a fourth compulsory module propagates knowledge in statistics, research ethics, and scientific writing.

Four elective modules from different research fields have to be chosen additionally. In the third semester, students have to select two compulsory practical trainings. Finally, in the fourth semester, the program is completed by writing the Master's thesis.

Winter Term 2024/25 (First Semester)

Session 1 - 3 (Mandatory Modules)

10.10.2024 – 21.03.2025

Preparatory Seminar (10.10. – 11.10.2024) "Physical fundamentals of electric circuits“ (Jabs, 20 St.) 

Mandatory Module PM 1 (14.10. - 08.11.2024) Neuromorphology (Odermatt, 20 St.) 

Mandatory Module PM 2 (13 .11. - 06.12.2024) Neurophysiology (Henneberger, 20 St.) 

Mandatory Module PM 3 (09.12. – 20.12.2024 and 06.01. – 17.01.2025) Molecular Neurobiology (Becker, 20 St.) 

Exam week: presumably 10.02. – 14.02.2025

Session 4 (Elective Modules)

24.02.25 – 28.03.2025

WPM 22: Assembly of Neural Circuits (Bradke, 6 St.) 

WPM 23: Neuroethology: multiphoton imaging of activity and EM synaptic connectivity reconstruction (Kerr/Briggman, 4 St.) 

WPM 28: Social Neuroscience (Schultz, 8 St.) 

WPM 30: Animal Navigation: Behavioural, sensory, and neurobiological concepts (Malkemper/Schnell, 6 St.)


Summer Term 2025 (Second Semester)

Session 1 (Elective Modules)

07.04. – 09.05.2025

WPM 6: Cognitive Neurosciences (Surges, 12 St.) 

WPM 13: Neuropharmacology (Pfeifer, 6 St.) 

WPM 20: Neuroanatomy (Hofmann, 4 St.)

05.05. - 09.05.2025

WPM 34: Introduction to Python for data analysis (Verzelli/Braganza) (optional extracurricular module)

Session 2 (Elective Modules)

 12.05. – 13.06.2025

WPM 12: Neurogenetics (Nöthen, 12 St.) 

WPM 25: The Synapse: from molecules to information processing (Dietrich, 4 St.) 

WPM 32: Computational Methods in Neurosciences (Memmesheimer, 4 St.)

Session 3 (Elective Modules)

 16.06. – 18.07.2025

WPM 9: Neuroinflammation (Neuman, 10 St.) (+ lecture 'Inflammatory Biology of CNS Diseases' in summer term Wednesdays 8.00 – 9.45 a.m.

WPM 11: Principles of Neural Information Processing (Opitz, 10 St.) 

WPM 31: Neuronal circuit dysfunction of CNS diseases (Poll/Fuhrmann, 6 St.)

30.06. – 25.07.2025 (prel.)

WPM 33: Mitochondrial Biology in neuronal function and disease (Becker, 4 St.)

Session 4 (Elective Modules)

21.07. – 20.09.2025

25.08. – 19.09.2025

 WPM 13: Neuropharmacology (Pfeifer, 6 St.)

 WPM 18: Protein misfolding and aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases (Vorberg, 6 St.)

01.09. – 12.09.2025

WPM 7: Developmental Neurobiology (Brüstle, 3 St.) (+ lecture summer term Wednesdays 5.15 – 6.45 p.m.

22.09. - 02.10.2025 (exam date tba)

PM 4: Statistics (Jabs, 20 St.) 

Winter term 2024/25 (Third Semester)

Session 1  (Lab Rotation /WPP)

28.10. – 20.12.2024

WPP 4: Mitochondrial proteostasis (Becker, 2)

WPP 6: Clinical Neuropsychology (Hemstaedter, 1)

WPP 7: Neurophysics (Lehnertz, 2)

WPP 8 Training in Neuroinflammation (Neumann, 1)

WPP 10: Analyses of synapse physiology by super-resolution microscopy (Seifert, 2)

WPP 11: Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases (Walter, 2)

WPP 12: Functional MRI for the Investigation of Cognitive Functions (Schultz, 1)

WPP 16: Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Function (Schoch McGovern, 3)

WPP 21: Epigenetics (Waha, 1)

WPP 22: Extracellular Human Electrophysiology (Mormann, 2)

WPP 23: Cellular Neurobiology of Epilepsy (Bedner, 2)

WPP 26: Optogenetics (Beck, 1)

WPP 30: Information processing by neuron-glia assemblies (Henneberger, 2)

WPP 31: Structural MRI in Clinical Research (Rüber, 1, timeslot flexible)

WPP 33: In Silico Brain Sciences (Oberlaender, 1)

WPP 37: Aging and neurodegeneration (Bano, 1)

WPP 39: Social Neuroscience (Schultz, 1)

WPP 42: Virtual Reality Experimentation (Braun, 1)

WPP 46: Mechanisms of epileptogenesis (Pitsch, 1)

WPP 48: Neural correlates of memory and imagination (McCormick, 1)

WPP 52:  Animal navigation: Behaviour and sensory neuroanatomy (Malkemper, 1)

WPP 55: Functional Neuroconnectomics: from active neurons to complex behavior (Schwarz, 1)

WPP 56 Analysis and modification of epigenetically regulated genes involved in neurodegenerative and oncological processes (Evert, 1)

WPP 57: Wearable sensor lab (Krüger, 1) 

WPP 58: Neurodevelopment and Molecular Heterogeneity in the Nervous System (Blaess, 1)

WPP 60: Neurons and microglia in the context of neurodegeneration (Fuhrmann, 1)

WPP 61: Hands-on rotation in computational neuroscience (Tchumatchenko, 2)

WW 62: Auditory Neuroscience (Fröhlich, 1)

WPP 64: Functional Omics of Brain Aging (Liu/Breteler, 1)

PM 4: Research Ethics (DRZE/IWE, 20 St.) 14.10. - 18.10.2024

PM 4: Scientific Writing (Vorberg, 20 St.) 21.10. – 25.10.2024

Session 2 (Lab Rotation/WPP)

06.01. – 28.02.2025

WPP 10: Analyses of synapse physiology by super-resolution microscopy (Seifert, 2)

WPP 12: Functional MRI for the Investigation of Cognitive Functions (Schultz, 1)

WPP 16: Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Function (Schoch McGovern, 3)

WPP 18: Impact of mitochondrial DNA mutations on neurodegenerative diseases (Kunz, 1)

WPP 23: Cellular Neurobiology of Epilepsy (Bedner, 2)

WPP 30: Information processing by neuron-glia assemblies (Henneberger, 2)

WPP 31: Structural MRI in Clinical Research (Rüber, 1, timeslot flexible)

WPP 32: Comparative Neuroanatomy (Hofmann, 1)

WPP 34: Imaging Synapses at Nanoscale Resolution (Dietrich, 1)

WPP 36: CNS Myelinisation (Odermatt, 1)

WPP 39: Social Neuroscience (Schultz, 1)

WPP 41: Computational Neuroethology (Briggman, 1)

WPP 44:  Functional Characterization of Neuronal Cell Types (Krabbe, 1)

WPP 45: Protein quality control mechanisms in mental health and disease (Gassen, 1)

WPP 47: Aging and cellular senescence (Ehninger, 1)

WPP 48: Neural correlates of memory and imagination (McCormick, 1)

WPP 49: Pharmacology & Metabolism (Pfeifer, 1)

WPP 51: Epileptic Micronetworks / Antiepileptic Phototherapy (Wenzel, 1)

WPP 53: Deep Brain Imaging and Neural Circuit Computation in Health and Disease (Gründemann, 1)

WPP 54: Behavioural data analytics (Bach, 2)

WPP 56: Analysis and modification of epigenetically regulated genes involved in neurodegenerative and oncological processes (Evert, 1)

WPP 57: Wearable sensor lab (Krüger, 1)

WPP 59: Blood vessels in the CNS – formation and function (Ruiz de Almodóvar, 1)

WPP 61: Hands-on rotation in computational neuroscience (Tchumatchenko, 3)

WPP 63: Translational neurooncology (Schneider/Potthoff, 1)

WPP 65: Mapping neural circuits underpinning internal state-dependent behavior  (Grunwald Kadow, 1) 

WPP 66: Engrams in health and disease (Poll, 1)

Winter Term 2024/25 (First Semester)

Session 1 - 3 (Mandatory Modules, Dates preliminary)

10.10.2024 – 21.03.2025

Preparatory Seminar (10.10. – 11.10.2024) "Physical fundamentals of electric circuits“ (Jabs, 20 St.) 

Mandatory Module PM 1 (14.10. - 08.11.2024) Neuromorphology (Odermatt, 20 St.) 

Mandatory Module PM 2 (13 .11. - 06.12.2024) Neurophysiology (Henneberger, 20 St.) 

Mandatory Module PM 3 (09.12. – 20.12.2024 and 06.01. – 17.01.2025) Molecular Neurobiology (Becker, 20 St.) 

Exam week: presumably 10.02. – 14.02.2025

Session 4 (Elective Modules, Dates preliminary)

24.02. – 28.03.2025

WPM 22: Assembly of Neural Circuits (Bradke, 6 St.) 

WPM 23: Neuroethology: multiphoton imaging of activity and EM synaptic connectivity reconstruction (Kerr/Briggman, 4 St.) 

WPM 28: Social Neuroscience (Schultz, 8 St.) 

WPM 30: Animal Navigation: Behavioural, sensory, and neurobiological concepts (Malkemper/Schnell, 6 St.)


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